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this.GetR(): (OtherCard.GetR()+10); var lgL=(this.GetL()>OtherCard.GetL())? this.GetL(): OtherCard.GetL(); var HDim=smR-lgL; if (HDim<1){return 0;} var smB=(this.GetB()OtherCard.GetT())? this.GetT(): OtherCard.GetT(); var VDim=smB-lgT; if (VDim<1){return 0;} return (HDim*VDim); } Card.prototype.Overlap=CardOverlap; function CardDockToR(OtherCard){ this.SetL(OtherCard.GetR() + 5); this.SetT(OtherCard.GetT()); } Card.prototype.DockToR=CardDockToR; function CardSetHome(){ this.HomeL=this.GetL(); this.HomeT=this.GetT(); } Card.prototype.SetHome=CardSetHome; function CardGoHome(){ this.SetL(this.HomeL); this.SetT(this.HomeT); } Card.prototype.GoHome=CardGoHome; var CorrectResponse = 'Das war richtig!'; var IncorrectResponse = 'Das war nicht richtig!'; var YourScoreIs = 'Ihre Punktzahl beträgt: '; var Correction = '[strCorrection]'; var DivWidth = 600; //default value var FeedbackWidth = 200; //default var ExBGColor = '#ffffff'; var PageBGColor = '#ffffff'; var TextColor = '#000000'; var TitleColor = '#793d00'; var Penalties = 0; var Score = 0; var CurrDrag = -1; var topZ = 100; var DragWidth = 200; var LeftColPos = 100; var RightColPos = 500; var DragTop = 120; var StartTime = (new Date()).toLocaleString(); var HPNStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var Finished = false; var SubmissionTimeout = 30000; //Fixed and draggable card arrays FC = new Array(); DC = new Array(); function doDrag(e) { if (CurrDrag == -1) {return}; if (is.ie){var Ev = window.event}else{var Ev = e} var difX = Ev.clientX-window.lastX; var difY = Ev.clientY-window.lastY; var newX = DC[CurrDrag].GetL()+difX; var newY = DC[CurrDrag].GetT()+difY; DC[CurrDrag].SetL(newX); DC[CurrDrag].SetT(newY); window.lastX = Ev.clientX; window.lastY = Ev.clientY; return false; } function beginDrag(e, DragNum) { CurrDrag = DragNum; if (is.ie){ var Ev = window.event; document.onmousemove=doDrag; document.onmouseup=endDrag; } else{ var Ev = e; window.onmousemove=doDrag; window.onmouseup=endDrag; } DC[CurrDrag].Highlight(); topZ++; DC[CurrDrag].css.zIndex = topZ; window.lastX=Ev.clientX; window.lastY=Ev.clientY; return false; } function endDrag(e) { if (CurrDrag == -1) {return}; DC[CurrDrag].Unhighlight(); if (is.ie){document.onmousemove=null}else{window.onmousemove=null;} onEndDrag(); CurrDrag = -1; return true; } function onEndDrag(){ //Is it dropped on any of the fixed cards? var Docked = false; var DropTarget = DroppedOnFixed(CurrDrag); if (DropTarget > -1){ //If so, send home any card that is currently docked there for (var i=0; i OverlapArea){ OverlapArea = Temp; Result = i; } } return Result; } function StartUp(){ if (is.ie){ document.attachEvent('onkeydown',SuppressBackspace); window.attachEvent('onkeydown',SuppressBackspace); } else if (is.ns){ window.addEventListener('keypress',SuppressBackspace,false); } //Calculate page dimensions and positions pg = new PageDim(); DivWidth = Math.floor((pg.W*4)/5); DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth*3)/10); LeftColPos = Math.floor(pg.W/15); RightColPos = pg.W - (DragWidth + LeftColPos); DragTop = parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetHeight) + parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetTop) + 10; if (is.ie){ DragTop += 15; } //Shuffle the items on the right D = Shuffle(D); var CurrTop = DragTop; var TempInt = 0; var DropHome = 0; var Widest = 0; for (var i=0; i'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images if (FC[i].GetW() > Widest){ Widest = FC[i].GetW(); } } if (Widest > DragWidth){Widest = DragWidth;} CurrTop = DragTop; DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth-Widest)/2) - 24; RightColPos = DivWidth + LeftColPos - (DragWidth + 14); var Highest = 0; var WidestRight = 0; for (i=0; i'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images if (DC[i].GetW() > DragWidth){DC[i].SetW(DragWidth);} DC[i].css.cursor = 'move'; DC[i].css.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; DC[i].css.color = '#000000'; TempInt = DC[i].GetH(); if (TempInt > Highest){Highest = TempInt;} TempInt = DC[i].GetW(); if (TempInt > WidestRight){WidestRight = TempInt;} } var HeightToSet = Highest; if (is.ns||is.ie5mac){HeightToSet -= 12;} var WidthToSet = WidestRight; if (is.ns||is.ie5mac){WidthToSet -= 12;} for (i=0; i 0)){ TotalCorrect++; } else{ DC[i].GoHome(); } } Score = Math.floor((100*(TotalCorrect-Penalties))/F.length); if (TotalCorrect == F.length) { Response = YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.'; WriteFeedback(Response + '
' + CorrectResponse); //Bug avoider for ie5mac if ((is.ie)&&(!is.mac)){ WriteToInstructions(Response); } Finished = true; setTimeout('Finish()', SubmissionTimeout); } else { Response = IncorrectResponse + '
' + YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.'; WriteFeedback(Response); Penalties++; // Penalty for inaccurate check } } function WriteFeedback(Feedback){ var Output = Feedback + '

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